Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hello everyone! Wow I see I haven't made a new blog post in a while! Well today is Christmas! I have a feeling that BamBam is going to give me a very expensive gift. I can't wait until he gives it to me! I don't want to just talk about myself here so... Have any of you opened your presents yet? Did you get anything cool like toys or treats or just tons of cuddles from your human?
Merry Christmas from Roxy and BamBam!

Rudolf the red-nosed Roxy

Don't I make a great tree ornament?

Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Hi Roxy *waves paw* I can't wait 'til you get BamBam's pressie *excited eyes* Wish he'd hurry up! Hope you, BamBam and all the family have a brilliant Christmas *hugs & kisses*
    Thomas (PuppyNumber7) & Nan & Family

  2. Sorry Roxy, was signed in as "smartsewagesolutions" instead of me (silly Nan!) Merry Christmas again, my sweet friend xx
